June 28, 2023

Circular economy in the construction sector.

Aim of the project

On Thursday 29 November, the conference entitled 'Circular economy in the construction sector' will take place. The event is coordinated by the Spanish Association of Construction and Demolition Waste Recycling (RCD Association), Green Building Council Spain (GBCe) and the Conama Foundation (GT-6). It will take place within the Congress CONAMA at the Palacio Municipal de Congresos de Madrid, from 3.30 p.m. to 6.15 p.m., in the Sala Londres.

Laura Ronquillo Muñoz (Technical Area of the Conama Foundation) will be in charge of the introduction of the presentation of the conference, under the title 'The challenges of the construction sector'. Ana Mª Guerrero Bustos (Senior Scientist at the Spanish National Research Council (CSIC) and the "Eduardo Torroja" Institute of Construction Sciences, Anna Manyes Castellà (associated with the Green Building Council Spain, GBCe), and Jose Ignacio Tertre Toran (President of the Spanish Association of Construction and Demolition Waste Recycling), whose presentations will focus on the circular economy and the challenges from the points of view of eco-design, construction and waste, will also take part in the conference.

Round table on the future of the circular economy in construction

This will be followed by the debate 'The future of the construction sector: towards a model based on the circular economy'. Antonio Sánchez Trujillano (Director of the Centre for Transport Studies, Centre for Public Works Studies and Experimentation, CEDEX), Antonio Cabrera Marianini (Head of Service of the General Sub-Directorate of Waste. Ministry for Ecological Transition), Francisco Javier Martín Ramiro (Director General of Architecture, Housing and Land of the Ministry of Public Works), Ana Etchenique Calvo (Vice-President of the Confederation of Consumers and Users, CECU), Albert Cuchí i Burgos (Director of the Vallès School of Architecture, Polytechnic University of Catalonia, ETSAV-UPC) and Miguel García Tejera (Technical Director of the Spanish Confederation of Associations of Construction Product Manufacturers, CEPCO). It will be moderated by Inés Leal Maldonado (director of the Nearly Zero Energy Buildings Congress (EECN) and editorial and development director of the Tecma Red Group).